Create a Microsoft Windows print queue

This procedure describes how to create a single Microsoft Windows print queue with an Output Manager source, destination, and device.

In Windows Devices and Printers, confirm that the Output Manager Universal PS Driver is installed on all Output Manager servers that host print queues.

You can create a new Microsoft Windows print queue using a new or existing device or destination.

  1. In the Output Manager Console, click Tools > Universal PS Driver Wizard.
  2. On the Welcome page, choose an option as described in the following table, and then click Next:
    Option Description
    Add New OM Destinations, and OM Devices Choose this option to create new Microsoft Windows queues and new sources, new destinations, and new devices.
    Add New OM Destinations to match with existing OM Devices Choose this option to create Microsoft Windows queues and new sources and new destinations when the devices already exist in Output Manager.
    Match with existing OM Destinations Choose this option to create new Microsoft Windows queues and new Output Manager sources when the destinations and devices already exist in Output Manager.
  3. On the Select method to create Windows Queues page, select Add one queue.
  4. In the Create queues on server drop-down list box, select the Output Manager server on which to create the queue.
    The Universal PS Driver must already be installed on the selected server.
  5. If you selected Add New OM Destinations to match with existing OM Devices, specify how the server communicates with the printer, and then click Next.
    • To use the printer DNS name, select Use DNS name for printers if available.
    • To use the printer IP address, clear Use DNS name for printers if available.
  6. In the Configure a single Windows Queue page, configure the Windows Queue Information options as described in the following table:
    Option Description
    Windows queue name Specifies the print queue name on the server.
    Share to the network as Enable this option to use a different name to identify the printer to users on the network.
    Location Type the physical location of the printer (for example, Sales department, or Europe office).
    Comments Type the purpose, use, configuration, ownership, or other characteristics of the printer.
  7. Select a source group in which to create the new Output Manager source.
  8. Choose the File store location for documents to be stored.
  9. The next steps depend on whether you are adding a new destination or device.

    Add a new destination and a new device:
    1. In the Create destination on server drop-down list box, select the Output Manager server on which to create the destination.
    2. Type the destination name and select the destination type.
    3. Select the destination group to which the destination belongs.
    4. Select the SNMP server for the new device.
    5. Specify the IP address or DNS name of the device.
    6. Define the port or queue name (LPR) that the destination uses to communicate with the device.
    7. Select the device group to which the device belongs.
    Add a new destination for an existing device:
    1. Select the Output Manager server on which to create the destination.
    2. Type the destination name and select the destination type.
    3. Select the destination group to which the new destination belongs.
    4. Define the port or queue name (LPR) that the destination uses to communicate with the device.
    5. Select the existing device.
    Use an existing destination:
    1. Select the existing destination.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Review the message on the Confirm Action Wizard page, and then click Create.
    This completes the procedure and displays a log form of completed actions along with any errors that may have occurred.
  12. Review and save the log form.
  13. Click Finish.