Print job management

When you use a Print-to-Me workflow, the Active Jobs List displays a list of print jobs in the queue appears. You can view information for each job and select the ones you want to print or delete from the queue. You can use the Print & Save option to save jobs after printing so that they can be printed again.

Unified Client for Xerox supports delegate printing. When you use Print-to-Me and Release All, jobs delegated to you are included in the list of jobs. Note the following:

  • Delegate printing is the same for Output Manager and Equitrac. When a delegate releases a document on behalf of a user, the job owner is listed in reports as the original user.

  • In Print-to-Me, there is no distinction between jobs you created and ones delegated to you with Output Manager.

Depending on how you logged in and how the system is configured, the following jobs are included in the Active Jobs List:

  • If Output Manager is configured with Equitrac: Output Manager print jobs are included in the list, and transaction costs are billed to you as the logged on user and department. Billing codes and usage reports are available in Reports Manager as print transactions.

  • If Output Manager jobs were printed with Print & Save: "Retained" appears in front of the job name to designate saved jobs. Retained jobs from Equitrac have no designation.

  • If Output Manager has been configured for guest printing: The user logged on as guest will only view guest jobs.

  • If you have nested destinations: The jobs for those destinations are included.

  • If Output Manager is configured for "Display Destination Specific Documents only": The list only displays your jobs that have been routed to your destination or the destination group (or a nested group) for which that destination is a member.