Enable escrow for print and copy

In Equitrac, you can enable escrow for any combination of user, department, or billing code accounts. Escrow holds funds from the account and reserves an estimated amount for the job transaction until it is fully processed. Escrow pre-charges the job before the print is released or before a copy is made. While the job is in process, no other transactions can occur that would require the funds held in escrow. However, if there are not enough funds available in the account to print or copy, then the transaction is cancelled and the estimated amount of the job is not charged against the account. When printing multiple jobs, the entire transaction is priced as a group. If the available funds are insufficient to release all of the jobs, then none of the jobs are released.

When escrow is enabled it applies to all accounts being charged for the jobs. If a user releases print jobs from a delegate, then the delegate’s account must have enough funds to release the job. If the user is printing their own job, then their account must have enough funds to release the job. If the print release is mixed between delegate and user jobs, then the associated accounts for each job must all have enough funds. If not, then none of the jobs are released.

If a user prints using multiple billing codes, all billing code accounts must have enough funds, or the entire release is not printed. If a user charges print jobs to a department, then the department, not the user, must have the available funds or the jobs are not released.

If a transaction with multiple jobs fails due to insufficient funds, the print jobs are returned to the print queue. At this point the user can delete unwanted jobs from the queue, or select fewer jobs and try to release them again. Escrow pre-charge is reset for the selected print jobs. When the print jobs are released successfully, escrow is removed from the associated accounts.

Escrow is a global configuration, and when enabled, all settings apply to the selected account types to which charging limits are enforced.

Escrow does not apply if Release all at Login is configured at an embedded device or control terminal. Escrow does not work with Campus Cards.
When escrow is enabled in Equitrac, Follow-You Printing jobs will follow the escrow workflow that also functions on the MFP devices not supported by Fuji Xerox.

To enable escrow for any combination of user, department, or billing codes, do the following:

  1. Open Web System Manager and go to Global Configuration Settings > Accounting and Quotas > Charging, Limits and Precision.
  2. Under Enforce account limits, select the account(s) to enforce account charging limits against.
  3. Select the Enable escrow option.
  4. Select how to handle escrow when CAS is unavailable or offline:
    • Block (default) – Blocks all print and copy transactions.
    • Allow – Allows prints to release, but does not escrow transactions.
    When CAS is offline, the account may still go into negative since no data is collected from DRE to set a pre-charge amount for the job
  5. Set the escrow Expiry time (default is 1 hour). If transactions do not occur before the expiry time, all associated escrow held for the specified accounts are removed.
  6. In Web System Manager, go to Devices > Physical Devices and select the physical device to open the Physical device summary dialog box.
  7. In the Settings area, select Track activity and page counts from the Tracking behavior for transactions on this device list.
  8. Click Save.
    Enable escrow is implemented immediately in Web System Manager after a page refresh.