Work with case definitions

You can modify, copy, delete, unlock and debug a case. You can open a case version and also delete a specific version.

To work with case definitions, navigate to Workflow > Case definitions. The Case definitions list page appears. Locate the case definition.

Modify a case definition

You can open a case to modify.

  1. Click the case to modify.
    The case opens in a new tab.
  2. Make changes as needed.
  3. Save the case.

Copy a case definition

Create a copy of case instead of creating it from scratch.

  1. In the case definitions list, on the context menu of the case definition to copy, click Copy.
    A copy of the case definition prefixed with Copy 1 of to the <case name> appears on the Case definitions page.
  2. Open the copy of the new case.
    The case opens in a new browser tab.
  3. Make changes, such as rename the case.
  4. Click Save.

    Once a copy is created, you can modify it to customize to your requirement.

Unlock a case definition

Whenever a case is released, it is locked by default so that other resources cannot modify it. You can unlock a case to allow modification.

In the case definitions list, on the context menu of the case definition to unlock, click Unlock. On confirmation, the case definition is unlocked and is available for modification.

Note You can lock a case definition again. When you open an unlocked case definition, a message appears to confirm whether to lock the process. On confirmation, the case definition is locked.

Delete a case definition

In the case definitions list, on the context menu of the case definition to delete, click Delete. On confirmation, the case definition and all previous versions are deleted.

Open a case definition version

You can open a case version in a read-only mode, revert to a previous version if it is not the latest version, and delete a version.

View a case definition version

  1. In the case definitions list, on the context menu of the case definition to view versions for, click Versions.
  2. On the list of versions, click the row for the version to view.

    The selected case definition version opens in a read-only mode.

Revert to a version

Revert a case map to create a new version of the map based on an earlier version. All the items including variables, activities, resources, properties, and skin rules of the selected version are available in the newer version. For example, in a management scenario, as part of the company's project plan, you might have altered the organization's hierarchical structure, resource managerial levels, their categories and also the process map design. Then saved and released to create a new version of the map and immediately put it to use. However, after few days of implementation, management analyses the performance and opts to revert to the previous resource hierarchy and process flow. You might then want to pick the earlier map version and quickly replace the current version.

Note When you want to revert to a case definition version, make sure that the case definition is not open.

  1. In the case definitions list, on the context menu of the case to open the versions list for, click Versions.
  2. On the context menu of the version of the case to revert to, click Revert.
  3. Once you confirm, the case version is reverted to the selected version.
  4. Release the case. A new version of the case map is created. The Versions list is updated to include the new version.

Delete a case definition version

You can delete a redundant version of a case. When you delete a version of a case, the selected version and all previous versions are deleted. For example, if you delete version 3, version 1 and version 2 are also deleted.

  1. In the case definitions list, on the context menu of the case to open the versions list for, click Versions.
  2. On the context menu of the version of case to delete, click Delete.
    On confirmation, the selected version and all previous versions are deleted.

Debug a case

  1. In the case definitions list, on the context menu of the case to debug, click Debug. Alternatively click Debug on the process Modeling bar.

    The Debug page opens.

  2. Debugging a case is similar to debugging a process. For more information, see Debug a process.