
This section describes the general settings, settings for the Transformation server and for general and system related settings.

A user should have sufficient access permissions to view or edit the general system settings. For a user with read-only permissions, the System settings dialog displays all setting in editable mode, but is not allowed to save the changes.

Note You must restart the Kofax TotalAgility services for the settings to take effect.


Use business calendar

Allows calculating all job durations and due dates based on the business calendar which is selected separately for each scheduled job.

Allow duplicate email addresses
Allows using the same email address by multiple resources.

If this setting is clear, you cannot create or edit (individual, group, external resource), or import a resource which does not have an unique email ID.

Enable multilingual processes

Allows opening the form in the correct locale when the browser is set to a different language.

Restrict job access

Restricts resources from accessing job properties, viewing associated milestones, variables, states, roles, history and map details.

When this setting is selected, the job is not visible in job search results. However, users can still create and restart jobs, view the work type, and take and complete activities.

Security key

Displays the default key that protects sensitive data between client and server so that variable values stored on the client machine are encrypted when viewed. You can generate a new security key if required.

Heartbeat inactive interval
The interval beyond which if the Core Worker, Transformation or Export services remain inactive, the status of the corresponding entry in the Machine names table is updated as "inactive". (Default: 60 minutes, Range: Minimum=1 minute and Maximum=1 day)
  • The Heartbeat inactive interval should be greater than the Activity reset timeout interval of Core worker, Export worker and Transformation services.

  • This option is not available for On-premise multi-tenancy and Azure environments.

Max number of activities to return
The maximum number of activity rows to retrieve at a time. (Default: 50)
  • The number of activity rows cannot exceed 200. At runtime you can retrieve only 200 rows in a work queue even when 1000 activities exist.

  • When you upgrade Kofax TotalAgility from previous versions:

    1. If the maximum number of activities is greater than 200, the max value is set to 200. For example if the max number of activities is 237, the max value is set to 200.

    2. If the maximum number of activities is less than 200, the max value is set to the existing value. For example, if the max number of activities is 50, the value is set to 50 itself (existing value).

Max number of jobs to return
The maximum number of job rows to retrieve at a time. (Default: 200)
  • The number of job rows cannot exceed 500. At runtime you can retrieve only 500 rows in a work queue even when 600 jobs exists.

  • On upgrade the maximum number of jobs is set to 200.

Note When you set the retrieval limit globally (through System settings) and locally (through APIs such as getjobs, getactivities, or getworkqueues) the system sets the lowest retrieval limit value among the two settings.

Transformation server

Reject documents on exceptions
If this setting is selected, the system rejects the document or page on exceptions. If clear, the system suspends the activity on exception.
Enable custom sorting
Enables sorting of columns in work queue, System and Job list queries.

Core Worker

Auto activity reset limit

Allows you to define the maximum number of attempts to reset an automatic activity. (Default: 5)

Note For an Azure environment, the default Auto activity reset limit is 1.
Restrict looping in synchronous

Allows the process to be synchronous so that it only has automatic activities, and does not have any manual activities. If this setting is selected, you cannot set maximum loop counts.

By default, this setting is not enabled and allows you to define the Maximum loop count. (Default: 1000)

Note For an Azure environment, this setting is read-only with a default value of 10,000.

Continuous looping in a synchronous job or business rule can cause high workload on the TotalAgility server. The Maximum loop count allows you to define the number of times an activity can be executed in a synchronous job or business rule to prevent continuous looping. When the loop count reaches the defined limit, the synchronous job is suspended at runtime.

Note You can set the maximum loop count at system level or process level. The maximum loop count set at process level takes precedence over the system setting. See Process properties.

Worker task retry count
Allows you to set the maximum number of retries for a worker task. If the maximum number of retries is reached, the worker task is put into an error state. (Default: 5 and Maximum: 100)
You can view the failed worker tasks from the TotalAgility Workspace and also activate or delete a worker task.

Enable custom sorting

Enables sorting of columns in work queue, System and Job list queries.