Drill down on the map

The following rules apply when you drill down on the map. To drill down on a map, click a section of the map.

  • Highlight a state, to view metric values for the state.

  • Click a state to view the counties.

  • To drill down a level, click an area on the map to view the next level. For example, click a county to view the ZIP codes for that country.

  • Hover over one of the ZIP areas, to view the zip code.
  • For the last level, clicking the area only enlarges it, but does not drill down any further.
  • If you do not need levels in the "Shape layers," set them to None, so those levels are skipped during drilling down.

This feature may be useful to see the ZIP codes for a state. For example, if you set the Counties level to None, the map drills down to ZIP codes, rather than counties, when you click a state.