Configure shapes definition

Use the following procedure to configure the shape layer for the map component.

  1. On the existing View, in the components toolbar, click and drag the Map component onto the View area.

    If you do not have a View, you may create one by navigating to Documents Tree > Views, right-clicking and then selecting New View.
  2. In the Data wizard for the map component, locate Shape definition > Shape metric and select the metric.
  3. Navigate to Shape definition > Shape layers > Dimension.
  4. Select CountryCode for Countries, StateID for States, CountyID for Counties and Code for ZIP codes.
    Note If the metric does not have a dimension corresponding to the country code or state code, but has a dimension corresponding to the country name/state name, it is possible to map the data by their name using the By name check box. By default, the check box is clear and it is assumed that the dimension contains the code.
  5. Select Label type and select either a code, a name, or a value.

    The layer is labeled on the map according to this setting. For example, if you select Value, the map shows metric values on this layer, not the names.