
Use the online Guide as a reference as you become acclimated to Studio. The Guide lists the typical steps to follow to create the metrics and components necessary to design a useful dashboard. The Guide is available from the Documents Tree.

The Guide is also used to view a summary of statistical data related to the current project: the number of metrics, records, Views, and dates of the most recent changes for different documents.


The Guide lists the following key steps.



Define data sources

Select from a number of data source formats, such as relational databases, flat files, web services, or Excel. In this step, you connect your data source to Insight.

Create records

After defining and selecting specific tables for a data source, create a new record to represent business-level facts, transactions, or changes in the data.

Define metrics

Define metrics to turn your record data into useful pieces of information to be represented in graphs, charts, and other visual formats.

Load data

Extract data from the record data sources and performs metric aggregations and calculations for display on the dashboard.

Design dashboards

Create graphs, charts, and other visual forms based on your data.

View dashboards

View your dashboards. This is an application for an end user.