Direct Database Connections

Kofax Capture uses the login information you provided (when mapping the database) to establish a connection to the database when publishing or when a document is loaded for validation. This only happens if the document class is set to use the database validation feature.

Because some databases limit the number of connections, or impose severe performance costs when connecting, Kofax Capture uses the following rules to allow maximum performance with the minimum number of connections.

  • Once a connection is established, it is maintained until the batch is closed (except when sorting by document class).
  • Other database validations within the batch that have identical connection settings use the same connection. If the connection settings are different, then an additional connection is established (and maintained) concurrently with any other pre-existing connections.
  • If you have elected to sort by document class, then all connections are closed when a document class is completed. New connections are established as necessary for the next document class to be processed.
  • If a connection cannot be established, the operator is asked to respond to an error message.

Note You may not be able to log in manually unless the ODBC data source does this at connection.

  • If you click Retry and are successful, processing goes forward normally.
  • If you click OK, the batch is sent to Quality Control or batch processing will continue (without looking up the data), depending on your settings in the Database Validation Properties - Options tab.
  • If a subsequent database validation has the same settings as the failed connection, the connection is assumed invalid. The batch is sent to Quality Control or processing will continue (without looking up the data), depending on your settings in the Database Validation Properties - Options tab.