Batch Summary Report

Use the Batch Summary report to evaluate the overall productivity of the system from a batches processed perspective. The report includes the following components.

Selected Date Range

The report includes data for batches exported during the specified date range.

Report Title

Lists the report title, including the selected date range.


Displays the default Kofax Capture logo, or a custom logo of your choice.

Column Headings

The Batch Summary report includes the following headings.

Batch Class
Name of the batch class.
Number of batches (for that batch class) processed during the specified date range.
Combined number of documents for all batches processed.
Combined number of pages for all documents processed.
Average Documents Per Batch
Contains the calculated average of the combined number of documents in a batch (documents divided by batches). This result is rounded to the nearest integer value.
Average Pages Per Batch
Calculated average of the combined number of pages in a batch (pages divided by batches). This result is rounded to the nearest integer value.
Average Processing Time Per Document
Calculated average of the time taken to process a document (time spent in open sessions divided by documents). This result is presented in hours, minutes, and seconds (rounded to the nearest second).
Average Processing Time Per Batch
Calculated average of the time spent processing a batch (time spent in open sessions divided by batches). This result is presented in hours, minutes, and seconds (rounded to the nearest second).
Average End To End Time
Calculated average of the total time taken to complete a batch (total time from batch creation to batch export divided by batches). This result is presented in hours, minutes, and seconds (rounded to the nearest second).

Tabular Data

The actual data that comprises the report. This data is based on this query.

Totals Row

Totals for the data columns, where it makes sense. For batches, document, and pages, the total is the simple sum of the values in each column. For the averages, the total row shows the average of the totals, not the sum of the values in the columns.


A graphical representation of the tabular data. For the Batch Summary report, this bar chart that lists the average processing time per document for up to 10 batch classes with the longest processing time.