Using Batch Class as Primary Criteria

When filtering batches with batch class as the primary criteria, you can select from Contains, Equal to, Not equal to, Greater than, Less than, or Starts with as a criteria in the second column.

If you select an operator other than Equal to, use the adjacent editable box to provide the value for the operator. For the Equal to or Not equal to operators, click Select Classes and select the batch class from the Batch Classes window as a search criteria. If Equal to or Not equal to operators are selected, the third column is read-only and populated with the batches selected from the Batch Classes window.

The list of available batches in the Batch Classes window depends on whether the user profiles option is active, and on the access rights of the current user. If the user profile option is not active, then all available batch classes are listed. If it's active, then the available batch classes are restricted to those accessible to the current user.

Note Batch classes may continue to appear in the batch filter even if user access to those batch classes is removed. However, the user only has access to batch classes to which permission is granted.
  1. Select Batch class as the primary criteria.
    The Batch Classes window appears.
  2. Select one or more batch classes from the Available Classes list and click Add.
    The selected batch classes move to the Selected Classes list.
  3. Click OK.
    The selected batch class names appear in the third column.
  4. Continue with batch filtering.