Recognition Profiles Window - OMR Engine

Use this window to select settings for an OMR recognition profile.


Use the list to select a recognition profile. The other settings on the window are refreshed with the settings defined for the selected profile.


This is preset to OMR.

Default pixel percentage threshold

Use the slider to select the default pixel percentage threshold. If the percentage of black pixels (compared to total pixels in the zone) is above this limit, the zone returns a "1." Otherwise, it returns a "0." Note that total pixels includes all the pixels contained within the zone box.

Keep in mind that this is the default threshold for this recognition profile. Each individual OMR zone can set its own threshold that overrides this default.

Note For OMR data inside check boxes on the form: A good way to capture the data from a check box is to draw a zone around an empty check box, make sure that the confidence type is set to pixel percentage filled in the Advanced OMR Settings window, and then click Test. Note the confidence level in the Zone Test window, and use this value for your default pixel percentage threshold. This method guarantees that a checked box has more pixels than your threshold setting.

Returned value for marked zone

This field specifies the value that the zone returns if OMR decides the zone is marked. By default, the return value is “1” but you can specify any combination of letters and numbers up to a maximum of 254.

Returned value for unmarked zone

This field specifies the value that the zone returns if OMR decides the zone is not marked. By default, the return value is 0 but you can specify any combination of letters and numbers up to a maximum of 254. If you plan to use the OMR zone in a group, be sure to leave the returned value field blank for all the OMR zones in the group. If this value is not blank, the group may not function as expected.

Note The maximum length for the Associated field is also 254 characters, and could be fewer. When concatenating multiple results (especially with a delimiting character) you should keep return values short enough that all of them concatenated together, along with the delimiting character, do not exceed the size allowed for the Associated field. See the Index Zone Properties window for details. Also, make sure that the fields that ultimately receive the returned values are of the correct type. You cannot, for example, put character data into and integer data type.

Image cleanup

Select an image cleanup profile from the drop-down list.

Edit button

To modify an existing image cleanup profile or create a new one, click the Edit button. The Image Cleanup Profiles window appears, and you can specify the type of image cleanup to use and other advanced settings.

Delete button

Click this button to delete the currently selected profile.  It is not possible to delete profiles that are built in to Kofax Capture.

Script button

If enabled, use this button to assign a recognition script to the selected profile. The Recognition Script window appears, and you can associate a recognition script with the recognition profile.

Test button

Click this button to test your zone settings. Your recognition and cleanup settings are applied to the zone and the results appear in the Zone Test window.

Note The Test button is unavailable if the sample page is displayed from the Document class tree view. The sample must be displayed from the batch class tree view if you want to use QuickZones to verify your recognition and cleanup settings.