Filtering Batches

Use the Filter Batches panel to filter the list of batches in the Open Batch window in the Scan, Quality Control, Validation, or Verification modules. The filter also applies to the next batch opened if Open next batch automatically is selected in the Validation and Verification modules. In Batch Manager, the filter applies to the list of batches in the main window.

You can filter batches based on one or more criteria:

  • Batch name

  • Batch class

  • Status

  • Queue

  • Priority

  • Has error

  • Station ID

  • Batch creation date/time

  • Scan station ID

  • Scan user

  • Batch field (not available if batches are stored in an Access database)

Filter criteria are saved for each Windows user, based on the Windows log on. If user profiles are enabled, filter criteria are saved per user.

You may want to filter on more complex criteria, such as combinations of batch fields. To do this, add an additional hidden batch field to the batch classes, and populate the field via a workflow agent or other customization based on an examination of other batch data.

In Batch Manager, you can hide or display the Filter Batches panel. On the View tab, in the Display group, select or clear Filter Panel. You can reposition the panel by dragging and redocking it. With the Filter Batches panel displayed, select the filter criteria, add AND or OR conditions, select Enable filtering, and click Apply to apply the filters.

Batch filtering remains in effect if filtering is enabled and the Filter Batches panel is hidden. Filtered is displayed in the status bar and switches color to indicate that filtering is on/off. The number of batches is also displayed in the status bar.

Use the Save button to retain batch filter criteria to a profile that can be reused during a future session. Otherwise, the criteria is available only during the current session.

  1. On the Filter Batches panel, add criteria by using the Add Criteria and + buttons. Depending on the selected criteria, the second list populates with additional criteria such as Contains, Equal to, Not equal to or Starts with.
  2. In the third list, select a criteria value.
  3. Click Add Criteria or + to add another row.

    If applicable, add additional rows.

    To start over and remove all rows at once, click Remove All

  4. Select Enable filtering and then click Apply.
    Note The applied filter is not retained beyond the current session unless you save it to a profile, as described in the next step.
  5. To save the existing criteria to a batch filter profile that can be reused during another session, click Save.

    The Save Batch Filter Profile window displays the list of existing profiles for the currently logged-in user.

    Note If the User Profiles feature is not currently active, the batch filter profile list is associated with the current Windows user.
  6. Type a batch filter profile name and click OK.

    The maximum length for the name is 32 characters, and the entry is not case-sensitive.

    The new batch filter profile appears on the list.

  7. To remove a batch filter profile:
    1. Click Delete.

      The Delete Batch Filter Profile window lists the names of the batch filter profiles associated with the currently logged-in user.

    2. On the list, select the profile to remove and click Delete.
  8. Click Close.

    The profile is removed from the list of batch filter profiles.

Creating groups of criteria

You can combine the criteria and create groups.

  1. Add the required criteria by using Add Criteria or +. Configure the criteria as required.
  2. Select the check boxes and click Group.
    The criteria are grouped and a visual indicator of a rectangular bracket shows which criteria constitute the group.
  3. Repeat the previous step as required.
    Note If you try to create a group which contradicts another group, a warning message is shown and the group is not created.
  4. To remove grouping, click the cross sign on the bracket or select the first and last criteria and click Ungroup.
    Tip We recommend that the number of criteria stays within a moderate level, otherwise it may impact the performance.

Using batch fields as filters

Additionally to the predefined filter criteria, you can select up to five different batch fields and add them to the filtering panel to filter the list of batches.

  1. Add the required batch field by using Add Criteria or +. Configure the filtering logic as required.
  2. You can type the value to use for filtering into the editable box. You can save the values for each batch field by clicking Create in the Home pane and providing values for batch fields on the Create Batch window. Save the changes and close the window.
    In this case, when you click Values, the list of saved values appears and you may select any value to populate the box.
  3. Repeat the previous steps if required for five different batch fields as a maximum, but each of these batch fields can have an unlimited number of applied criteria.
  4. When the batch fields are added as filters, they appear as separate columns and the batches are filtered accordingly.
    Note If you have already added five batch fields and try add another batch field, a warning message appears and the field is not added.