Page Level Bar Code Properties Window

Use this window to select Index fields to be associated with bar codes found on a page.

Available Fields

This list contains all the Index fields defined for the selected document class. Select the fields you want to fill with values from bar codes and click Add.

The list of Available Fields also contains the option (skip bar code) which could be useful if you do not want to use a particular bar code to fill an Index field. See the next section for more information.

Selected Fields (in order)

This list contains all the selected Index fields. During production, bar codes read from a page are used to fill these Index fields. The selected fields appear in the Definitions panel under the sample page.

The order that the fields are displayed in this list is the order in which they are filled. For example, the first bar code read fills the first Index field in the list, the second bar code read fills the second Index field, and so on. You can drag-and-drop to reorder the Index fields. The number of bar codes that read from the page is based on the number of fields selected from the list of Available Fields. For example, if you select four Index fields from the list of Available Fields, four bar codes are read from the page to fill Index fields.

If you have more bar codes on your page than you want to use to fill Index fields, you can use the (skip bar code) option from the list of Available Fields. Consider this scenario: You have four bar codes on your page, but you only want to use the first, second, and fourth to fill Index fields. From the list of Available Fields, you should select the following:

  • First Index field to fill

  • Second Index field to fill

  • (skip bar code)

  • Third Index field to fill

You can select the (skip bar code) option one or more times. You can select it for any position within the list, although it doesn’t make sense to select it at the end of the list. This is because Kofax Capture stops searching for bar codes after the last selected Index field is filled. For multipage sample documents, you can select the same Index field for one or more pages. You may want to do this if you are searching for just one bar code and it can be found on any of the pages. For this case, you can select the same Index field for each page as necessary. Kofax Capture used the first one it finds.

Add button

Adds an available Index field to the list of Selected Fields (in order).

Remove button

Removes an Index field from the list of Selected Fields (in order).

Remove All button

Removes all Index fields from the list of Selected Fields.