Batch Classes

A batch class describes how the documents in a batch are processed by Kofax Capture. During production, each new batch is based on a batch class definition that determines:

  • Which modules the images are processed by, and in which order
  • How images are separated into documents
  • How forms are identified
  • How images are cleaned up

A batch class contains one or more document classes, which in turn contain one or more form types. This gives you the ability to have different kinds of documents and forms within one batch. Kofax Capture can automatically separate the pages into documents and identify different types of forms.

With Kofax Capture, you can define a pool of batch classes to select from when you create batches. You define batch classes on the Create Batch Class window.

All batches in Kofax Capture are defined by their batch class. Therefore, you must define a batch class before you scan or import documents.

You must perform the following tasks to set up a batch class:

  • Create one or more field types (optional)
  • Create one or more document classes
  • Create one or more form types
  • Add the necessary sample pages for your form types (optional)
  • Create a batch class
  • Associate one or more document classes with your batch class
  • Publish your batch class

Kofax Capture provides an object-oriented approach to setting up your batch classes. While some steps must be done before others, most can be done in any order.