Version History Window

Access the Version History from the Publish window. You can view the version history for a batch class, including the version that is currently in use. You can republish or delete any batch class version on the list, or perform a comparison between two versions.

Batch class version number. The first item listed is the current version in the Administration module. A green check mark appears next to the currently published version, and a red check mark indicates a previously published version.

Version numbers are assigned in sequential order each time a version is created.

Publish Time
Time when the batch class was published; not listed for the batch class currently in use in the Administration module.
Description of the batch class version. By default, no description is included. Use the Description button to add your own description.
Batch Count
Number of batches currently using the batch class version.
Click to republish the selected batch class so it becomes the most recent published version. The republished version is different from the current version that is editable in the Administration module.
Click to remove one or more selected batch class versions. You cannot delete the Administration version, the current published version, or a batch class that is currently in use.

When you delete a batch class version, the PubTypes and custom data folders related to that version are removed, along with any associated data in the database.

Click to open a window to type a description (up to 80 characters) of the selected batch class version. The saved description appears in the Description column.
Select two batch class versions and click Compare to generate and export a comparison in XML format. The comparison lists differences between the two batch class versions related to additions, modifications or deletions. When the comparison is finished, the path to the XML file appears in a message box.