Associating a Mailbox with a Batch Class

You can associate a mailbox with a Kofax Capture batch class. Once this association has been established, email sent to that mailbox is imported into Kofax Capture as a batch of the specified batch class.

A single batch class can be associated with multiple mailboxes. However, each mailbox can have only one associated batch class.

  1. On the Email Import Connector menu, select Mailbox list.

    The Mailbox list window appears.

  2. Select an existing mailbox, and click Edit to change its settings.

    The Mailbox window appears.

  3. Select the Import Options tab.

    This tab displays a list of valid batch classes permitted by the current Kofax Capture user profile.

  4. Select the batch class you want to use.

    The list of document classes refreshes to reflect the document classes allowed by the batch class you have just selected.

  5. Select the document class you want to use.

    The list of form types refreshes to reflect the form types allowed by the document class you have just selected. In addition, the list of index fields refreshes to reflect the batch class - document class combination.

  6. Select the form type you want to use.
  7. Select an index field that you want to map to a predefined value, and then do one of the following:
    • Select a corresponding item from the Value column. That value is extracted from the email and placed in the selected index field. (Take care to match appropriate values and fields. For example, you would not match the <Subject> value with a Kofax Capture numeric field.) Kofax Capture Import Connector - Email supports the following predefined values:






      <Message ID>


    • Type a custom value in the corresponding Value column. This custom value is placed as is in the selected index field.

    Any value that does not exactly match one of the preceding predefined values is treated as a custom value for the index field. You cannot use custom values that are identical to a predefined value. You can only input custom values that are consistent in type and length with the corresponding Kofax Capture index field.

  8. Repeat for each index field to map to a predefined or custom value.

    Any predefined values not mapped to an index field are not stored in the batch data.

  9. Click OK to close the window and save your settings.