Group Profile Properties Window - Assigned Modules Tab

Use this window to specify the Kofax Capture modules to which the group should have access. To give a group access to a module, you must move the module name from the Available list to the Assigned list. The group members are allowed to work in the modules that are on the Assigned list.

Related Tabs


Lists the modules that are not assigned to the group profile. The modules are listed in alphabetical order.


Lists the modules that are assigned to the group profile. The modules are listed in alphabetical order.

Add button

Adds a module to the list of assigned modules. Select a module from the Available list and click Add.

Add All button

Adds all the modules to the Assigned list.

Remove button

Removes a module from the Assigned list. Select a module from the Assigned list and click Remove.

Remove All button

Removes all modules from the Assigned list.


Lists the description of the selected module. This information is read-only.