Database Validation Properties Window - Table Settings Tab

Use this tab to set the tables and columns to use for the database validation.

Index field to validate

Use this drop-down list to select the index field in your document class to use for the database validation.

Validate against table

Use this drop-down list box to select the table to use for the database validation. Select from a list of all the tables in the database or data source specified on the Database tab.

Validate against list

For SharePoint database types, select the SharePoint list to use for the validation. The available items vary, depending on the selected subsite.

Match column

Use this drop-down list box to select the column in the database to search for a match to the index field specified in Index field to validate. Select from a list of all the columns in the table.

The match is submitted to the database or data source as an SQL equals query. The exact behavior of the match (for example, is it case-sensitive or not?) depends on the specified database or data source.

Auto-fill index fields from results

Use this check box to select the auto-fill capability of the Database Validation feature. When selected, the frame below the check box is populated with fields. Auto-fill uses the results from the database lookup to fill in specified index fields when validating a batch.

Database Results Column

This list displays when Auto-fill index fields from results is selected. The list contains every column in the specified table.

Index Field to Auto-Fill

This list displays when Auto-fill index fields from results is checked. The list contains a drop-down list box for each index field in your document class. For each row in the list, you can select an index field to match up with a database column. For example, if the Database Results Column is Address and you set the matching Kofax Capture index field to be Street Address, then the contents of Address are copied into Street Address by the auto-fill function when it runs during the validation process.

Auto-fill is unavailable for all index fields by default. If you leave a row blank, then auto-fill is not enabled for that index field. You can turn off auto-fill by selecting none from the drop-down list.

If you select none, the field either remains blank or becomes blank if an index field had been assigned to it.

You can also select display only instead of an index field. In this case, the value for the database column appears in the Multiple Matches Found window, but is not used for auto-fill. You may elect to display these additional values to help resolve conflicts if there is more than one possible match during lookup.