Custom Panels window

Use this window to configure custom panels to be loaded together with the batch class in Kofax Capture interactive modules. The following rules apply:

  • The assigned custom panels will be loaded only into the modules where they are registered.

  • If a custom panel is assigned to a batch class, it is only loaded when opening a corresponding batch.

  • If the opened batch is assigned to a different batch class, the custom panel is hidden.

  • The custom panel is loaded only for registered modules and applies per batch class for the selected modules. For those modules that are not selected, but registered for the custom panel, it is loaded regardless of the batch class.


Select the custom modules registered with standard interactive modules (Scan, Quality Control, Validation, or Verification) on the current station. Select the module and click Add or double-click the module.


Contains custom panels already assigned to the batch class. To remove the custom panel, click Remove or double-click the panel.


This button is active when a custom panel is selected on the Assigned list. Click this button to open the Properties window. In the Apply to group, select the modules to which the behavior of loading custom panel will be applied.

The following rules apply:

  • All the registered modules are checked by default.

  • If the custom panel is not registered with the module, the check box for the module is disabled.

  • At least one module must be selected, otherwise, when you click OK, the following message appears: No modules selected. Custom panel will be unassigned from batch class. Do you want to continue? If you select Yes, the window is closed and the custom panel is removed from the Assigned list. If you select No, the message window is closed.

  • For each module, you can select Optional (default) or Required.

    If a module is selected as Required, but the custom panel is not registered with the current station, the following message appears: Cannot open batch. The custom panel associated with the batch class is not registered or available on the current system. To continue, please register the custom panel. when you open a batch of the corresponding batch class. The batch is suspended.

    If a module is selected as Optional, and the custom module is not registered (available) on the station, the following message appears: The custom panel associated with the batch class is not registered or available on the current system. when you open a batch of the corresponding batch class. The batch is not suspended and can be opened.

  • If you assign a custom panel to a batch class and then open Kofax Capture Administration module on another station, where the assigned custom panel is not registered, then the assigned custom panel is still displayed in the Assigned list of the Custom Panels window. If you try to unassign this panel, the following message appears: You are unassigning a custom panel that is not registered on the current workstation. When unassigned, the panel will not display in the Available list. Do you want to continue? If you click Apply or OK, the custom panel is assigned without publishing the batch class.

  • At the module where the custom panel is registered but not assigned to any batch class, it is loaded by default as before.

  • The custom panel assigned to a batch class loads only when the corresponding batch is opened. If the opened batch belongs to a different batch class, the custom panel is hidden.