List queues and search in queues

To list queues, search for certain queues, and then search for documents or batches in a queue:

List the queues

  1. Using Manager, click the Document profiles object bar.
  2. Select a document profile.
  3. Click Edit > Queues. The Queues dialog is displayed.
    Note The name of this dialog is hidden if the dialog is docked (as it is by default).

    At this point you can manage queues.

    Then search for certain queues, if necessary
  4. Type values into the boxes above the column headers. For example:
    • Enter text to find all entries that start with it.

      Example: Type Read above a column.

      Results: Reading, ReadSoft, etc.

    • Enclose text in * or % to find all entries that contain it. Note: You must use two symbols. One asterisk or percent symbol will not give the desired results.

      Example: Type *Read* or %Read% above a column.

      Results: Reading, ReadSoft, Bread, etc.

    • Enclose text in " to find exact matches.

      Example: Type "Read" above a column.

      Result: Read and nothing else.

    You can filter more than one column at a time.

  5. Optional: To sort the list, click a column heading. This sorts the list according to the values in that column. Each time you click the sort order reverses.
    Now list the documents or batches in a queue
  6. Right-click a queue and select List documents or List batches. The Documents dialog or Batches dialog is displayed.
    Note The name of this dialog is hidden if the dialog is docked (as it is by default).
  7. Optional: Search for documents or search for batches.