Identification settings: Understanding AND and OR

The Identification settings in the Document profile dialog and the Document definition dialog control how the identifier profiles are used when identifying documents.

There are up to three selection boxes— as many as there are identifier profiles for the document profile. If you use image identifiers, Kofax ReadSoft Entrance looks at these first, followed by value identifiers. All value identifiers are searched simultaneously.

To specify the identification settings

  • If there is one identifier profile:

Select the identifier profile. This means that one identifier will be used on documents.

  • If there are two identifier profiles:

In each of the two entry boxes select an identifier profile, or select None in one of them.

Click either AND or OR.

  • If there are three or more identifier profiles:

In each of the three entry boxes, select an identifier profile or select None.

Click either AND or OR between the entry boxes.

The priority is from top to bottom. The top two entry boxes are treated as if there is a parenthesis around them.


Assume you have three identifier profiles: an image identifier named A, and two value identifiers named B (bank account number) and C (postal account number).

Example 1

You want to identify documents using one identifier only.

A OR B OR C  = (A OR B) OR C  

This means that Kofax ReadSoft Entrance can learn a document if there is one identifier on it that is described in identifier profiles A, B, or C.

Example 2

You want to identify documents using two identifiers, an image and a value.


This means that Kofax ReadSoft Entrance can learn a document if there are two identifiers on it, where one is described by image identifier A and the other is either value B or value C.
