Business logic: Overview

Kofax ReadSoft Entrance uses business logic when analyzing and interpreting documents. Predefined field types (depending on your country profile) are easily found, and their values can be set automatically if necessary. It works ‘behind the scenes’ in Interpret, applying the knowledge that Kofax has acquired about documents in your country to improve data capture and understanding. Examples:

InvoiceDate and InvoiceDueDate are field types that are logically related: InvoiceDueDate must follow InvoiceDate, and both must be within a reasonable time from the current date.

InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount and InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount are also logically related: InvoiceTotalVatIncludedAmount must be greater than or equal to InvoiceTotalVatExcludedAmount.

Note These field types are represented by translated names inside Kofax ReadSoft Entrance.

Business logic is also used for field validation, for example during the verification process to ensure that Verify operators enter valid data.

In the General settings of the Document profile dialog you can see which country profile is used.

Fields that do not meet the business logic validation rules of the field type that they are associated with get Validation error status.

Field types are defined in Eiglobalextra.ini. The fields, as well as what to do when you have added your own, are described in INI Files Help.