Turn off the interpretation of line item tables

Documents that include line items are normally processed using a document profilebased on purchase-order (PO) documents. Consequently, the interpretation of line-item tables is turned on by default.

You can also use a single document profile based on PO documents to process both PO and general expense (GE) documents. This is appropriate if the majority of the documents processed contain line items, since line-item tables can be turned off individually in Optimize for document definitions that do not include them (see Inactive setting).

However, if the majority of documents are GE documents in this case, it can be time consuming to turn off the interpretation of line item tables for a large number of document definitions in Optimize. To solve this, you can deactivate the interpretation of line items for all document definitions in the document profile and then activate it again in Optimize for the fewer number of document definitions that need it.

To turn off the interpretation of line items for document profiles based on purchase order document, complete the following steps:

Note Document profiles must be deactivated to be able to do this. In addition, if a document profile has existing document definitions when doing this, you will need to confirm that you want to change this setting for all of them. Consequently, if you decide to do that and line items still need to be interpreted for any of those document definitions, you will need to change the setting again for them individually in Optimize.
  1. In Manager, click the Document profile object bar and open the desired document profile.
  2. Expand the document profile and then expand Field profiles under it.
  3. Right-click LineItems in the list of field profiles, click Properties, and then click Inactive in the Table field profile dialog.
  4. Click OK to save the settings.