Specification of date fields

When creating a date field, leave the Specification box in the Format group box blank to let Kofax ReadSoft Entrance select date formats. These are controlled by the DateFormat settings in Eiglobal.ini. See "DateFormat" topic in INI file help for more information.

The other sections in Eiglobal.ini mentioned below are also involved.

Alternatively, you can type a specification for the field by typing the format of each of the three required parts of the date (day, month, and year) in the sequence they appear on the document. The date format specifications that can be used are:

Format Alternate format Meaning
D D(1) Day written with one or two digits, 1-31
DD D(2) Day written with two digits, 01-31
M M(1) Month written with one or two digits (1-9, 10, 11, or 12)
MM M(2) Month written with two digits, 01-12
MMM M(3) Month written with the first three letters of the name. (JAN, FEB, etc.).

This is controlled by the [ThreeCharMonthName] section in Eiglobal.ini.

See INI file help for more information.

MMMM M(4) Full month name.
Note MMMM is the long month name, controlled by the [FullMonthName] section in Eiglobal.ini. Do not specify more than four M’s.

See INI file help for more information.

Y Y(1) Year written with one or two digits, 8, 98 … (the tens digit may be omitted for the years 2000-2009)
YY Y(2) Year written with two digits, for example 09
YYYY Y(4) Year written with four digits, for example 2009
X   Separator character



The field's Language setting is important.

To ensure better validation of dates, only dates between these two boundaries are valid:

  • Dates from the current date minus 150 years.
  • Dates from the current date plus 100 years.