A date field is not found

Possible causes

  • The format of the date is not specified as a valid format by the DateFormat setting in Eiglobalextra.ini.
  • If the missed field is a document date: The date is later than the current date.
  • If the missed field is a document date: The date is earlier than the current date minus the number of days specified by the DaysBeforeCurrentDate in Eiglobalextra.ini.
  • If the missed field is a due date: The date is earlier than the current date.
  • If the missed field is a due date: The date is later than the current date plus the number of days specified by the DaysAfterCurrentDate in Eiglobalextra.ini.

Possible solutions

If the date format is the problem, adjust the DateFormat setting or add a new DateFormat setting in Eiglobalextra.ini.

If the DaysBeforeCurrentDate or DaysAfterCurrentDate setting is a problem, you can adjust that, as well.

See INI file help for more information.