Batch status

A batch takes the status of the document in it that has the lowest status. Batch statuses can be, from highest to lowest:

Status Description
Transferred All documents in the batch are transferred.
Approved All documents are Approved.
Adjusted The batch contains at least one Adjusted document, and may also contain Approved documents.
Rejected The batch contains at least one Rejected document, and may also contain Approved or Adjusted documents.
Complete Only for selection in Transfer job description. The batch contains at least one Complete document, and may also contain Approved,  Adjusted,  Rejected, or Interpreted documents.
Interpreted Only for selection in Verify job description. Documents can have any status assigned by Interpret, and may also be Approved, Adjusted, or Rejected..The batch contains at least one interpreted document, and may also contain Approved,  Adjusted, or Rejected documents.
Scanned The batch contains at least one Scanned document, and may also contain Approved,  Adjusted,  Rejected, Interpreted, or Complete documents.


Assume you have a Transfer job to transfer batches that are Complete. You find that Rejected documents are also transferred. This is explained below.

 Documents in a batch Batch status will be Explanation
99 Approved

  1 Rejected

Rejected Rejected status is lower than Approved.
99 Complete

  1 Rejected

Complete Rejected status is higher than Complete.