RemoteScanImporter plugin - General import configuration information

The RemoteScanImporter does not have a UI for general configuration. This information is kept in an XML-file named RemoteScanImporterConfiguration.xml found in the Kofax ReadSoft Entrance global directory (same folder as eiglobal.ini) on the central site.

Normally, this configuration does not need to be changed.

The following elements are included in the configuration:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RemoteScanImporterConfiguration xmlns:xsi=""

Element information

The value type and a description is included below for each element including an example:

  • CommandFileReadExt - specifies the file extension the file is renamed with after processing to mark the command file as used (.READ, for example)
  • CommandFileExt - specifies the file extension of the command file, such as .XML
  • CommandFileSearchPattern - specifies the file pattern to use when searching for command files (*.XML, for example)
  • ImageFileExt - specifies the extension of the image file such as .TIFF
  • ImportSortByDate - specified true/false to indicate if files are processed by date.
  • DeleteReadXmlFiles - specified true/false to indicate if command files are deleted after processing.
  • DeleteReadImageFiles - specified true/false to indicate if the original image file is deleted after processing. Note that if the DeleteReadXMLFiles element is set to false, this element is also considered to be false.
  • ConvertToDateTimeFileName - specified true/false to indicate if the command file and image file are renamed using a datetime filename in place of the GUID names created by Remote Scan Sender.
  • DateTimeFileNameFormat - the datetime format specified here, such as yyMMddHHmmssff, is used if the ConvertToDateTimeFileName element is set to true. Note that a number counter is added to the end of the filename if it already exists for some reason.
  • LogFilePath - specifies the path to the log file such as C:\log.txt
  • LogLevel - specifies how much logging information to provide.

    • LogDebug provides verbose logging for tracking errors
    • LogError only logs errors (recommended for use in production)
  • UseProfileFieldTypeNames - True/false: if set to true, the component queries the profile for fieldtypenames insead of the document (via the definition). This can be used to work around the following limitation in Kofax ReadSoft Entrance. When editing a a profile field's fieldtypename, the new value is not copied to the existing definitions.

  • UseRemoteScanFileLockDatabaseTable - True/false: if set to true, the locking of files is handled using a database table. This is recommended when many interpret instances import documents from the same shared directory. The "remotescanfilelock" database table  must exist in the Kofax ReadSoft Entrance database for this to work.
  • NumberOfMinutesBeforeRemovingTableFileLocks - a number that indicates the length of time (in minutes) files are locked when the previous element, UseRemoteScanFileLockDatabaseTable, is set to true.