The Currency field

Every document profile created using Kofax ReadSoft Entrance 5-4 or later contains a Currency field. (In document profiles created using an earlier version of Kofax ReadSoft Entrance, this field is handled a bit differently.)

Kofax ReadSoft Entrance uses this field to determine the currency of the document.

  • It looks for a three-letter abbreviation (such as USD, GBP, or EUR) or currency notation on the document. What it looks for is determined by your country profile.
  • If found, it sets the value of the Currency field to the three-letter abbreviation defined to signify that currency. Example.
Found on an invoice   Currency notation extracted   Abbreviation assigned to Currency field
$500.00 ð $ ð USD
€ 300,00 ð ð EUR
750.00SEK ð SEK ð SEK


  • In Verify, the Currency field is displayed along with other fields.

If the currency is not found, the document definition's currency is used. If there is no document definition, the document profile's currency is used. In either case, the Currency field is marked (Field status), so you know it needs your attention, and you can change to a different currency in Verify.


Note Future documents that are verified using the same document profile—and where the position of the currency has not been learned in Optimize—will automatically use the currency you selected for the first document. The Currency field is then set to Complete.

In Verify you can adjust the value of the Currency field, if necessary.

The Currency field is different from other fields