Which document definitions need optimizing?

A rule of thumb: Optimize document definitions associated with important senders.

Which senders are "important" in your system depends on various factors. Here is one method of selecting document definitions to optimize:

  1. In the Document definitions dialog, sort the document definitions by the All-time total column.
  2. Select the document definitions that represent a large number of processed documents for your company. For example, select every document definition that has been used 75 times or more.
    Tip More recently established senders may have sent in, say, 25 documents in two months, so consider refining your list to include those senders who average 10 documents a month.
  3. "Important" has to do with the overall time that Verify operators spend working with these documents. Therefore, deselect senders that you think are not so important, based on that criteria.

    Alternatively, pick out the senders that Verify operators spend the most time working with. ReadSoft Reporter can be used to gather those statistics, if they are not already known.

  4. Deselect senders that you know are no longer active.
Aim to include senders that account for roughly 75% or more of all incoming documents, or the senders that are consuming the most time during the Verify process.

Important facts

  • Lots of poorly optimized document definitions can make Kofax ReadSoft Entrance run less effectively than if those document definitions had not been optimized at all.
  • Small improvements to frequently-used document definitions can result in much faster verification.
  • Changing only the most obvious document definition settings is an important habit to develop, because:
    • The actions of Verify operators can automatically update and override document definition settings that you have manually adjusted in Optimize.
    • Extreme manual tuning of document definitions may provide good performance for the current conditions (scanner model/condition/settings, database condition, version of Kofax ReadSoft Entrance, and so on), but there is no guarantee that performance will continue at the same level when one or more of these conditions changes.

The goal is to achieve the biggest interpretation improvements with the least amount of Optimize work.

Recommended: Create a maintenance plan that automatically deletes unwanted document definitions at regular intervals.