Condition: Buyer (InvoiceRules plugin)

Configure conditions to define specific circumstances under which documents are processed when using the InvoiceRules plugin.

Use this condition to apply an document rule to documents if the receiver matches what is specified here.

  1. When configuring what conditions to use to execute the use of a document rule, select .
  2. Alternative 1: Click Match specific buyer and select the desired receiver from the dropdown list to have the condition apply to a specific one.
  3. Alternative 2: Click Match buyer name with other value and use appropriate available static or dynamic values to determine the name of the receiver to use. If you want to limit the number of characters used to make the match, click Use left part of the receiver name and specify how many characters to use for Number of characters to use in receiver name.
  4. Alternative 3: Click and use appropriate available static or dynamic values to determine the number of the receiver to use. If you want to limit the number of characters used to make the match, click Use left part of the buyer number and specify how many characters to use for Number of characters to use in receiver number.
  5. For alternatives 2 and 3, additional static and/or dynamic values can be used to determine the name or number of the receiver to match.
  6. Specify when actions are used for this condition by selecting either Apply actions if this condition is true or Apply actions if this condition is false on the bottom of the dialog.
  7. Click OK.