Endorser overview

If your scanner has an endorser, you can control it by adjusting the scanner itself or by using the Endorser settings in a Scan job description.

An endorser usually has two parts, a prefix and a counter. The counter is the most useful and commonly used part of the endorser. The pages are numbered as they are scanned, and the number is printed on each page. Some scanners also have optional placeholder characters that insert the current date and time in various formats. You must type placeholders in the Prefix box yourself.

Some scanners only support manual endorsing, while others only support auto endorsing; some also support both endorsing modes.

If your scanner supports it, you can specify the vertical position of the endorser. (Most scanners do not allow you to adjust the horizontal position.) Scan saves the endorser value in Kofax ReadSoft Entrance' database along with other data about the document. This creates a link between the physical document and the scanned document.

There are two ways to tally documents using endorsers:

  • Setting endorser counter values in a Scan job description. The operator must enter the endorser values to be used at the start of each Scan job, otherwise the same values are reused each time.
  • Using a database counter. The last endorser value, from the latest Scan job, is saved and used as the start value for the next endorser sequence. In other words, you do not have to restart the endorser sequence each time you begin a Scan job. Instead, the database counter continues the numbering from the previous endorser sequence.

To include the number printed on the document by the scanner in the transfer file, insert the system variable #StampNumber in the transaction description.

When you use an endorser for documents with appendices, Kofax ReadSoft Entrance ensures that the same sequence number is endorsed on a document and all of its appendices.

Endorser settings are saved in the [EndorserSettings] section of Eiglobal.ini file and can be edited there. See INI file help for more information.