The Field types dialog

To access this dialog: Using Manager, select Administration > List field types.

This dialog lists all field types registered in your Kofax ReadSoft Entrance installation. You can edit them or add your own field types.

Note These properties are displayed for each field type:

These properties are displayed for each field type:

ID The internal ID of the field type.
System field A system field is a default field type that comes with every Kofax ReadSoft Entrance installation. You cannot edit or delete system field types. All non-system field types are those that have been created by an Kofax ReadSoft Entrance' administrator after installation.
Name The name of the field type.
Category Can be either:
  • BAT – Bank Account Table field
  • LIT – Line Item Table field
  • SI – Single Item field
  • Tax – Tax table field

Categories allow you to locate and sort field types more easily.

Description A short description of the field type.
Filter the list

Use the boxes above the table to filter the results that are displayed:

  • Enter text to find all entries that start with it.

    Example: Entering VAT in the Name column.

    Results: VAT_BaseAmount, VAT_Code, etc.

  • Enclose text in * or % to find all entries that contain it.

    Example: Entering *VAT* or %VAT% in the Name column.

    Results: BuyerVATRegistrationNumber, Invoice TotalVATAmount, Invoice VATExcludedAmount, etc.

  • Enclose text in " to find exact matches only.

    Example: Entering "VAT" in the Name column.

    Result: No result (there is no default VAT field type).

You can filter more than one column at a time.


The following actions are available by right-clicking inside the dialog:

Select all Select all field types.
New Add a new field type.
Open Open a field type for viewing and editing.
Delete Delete a field type.
Export Export the selected field type(s) to a file.
Import Import field types from an Kofax ReadSoft Entrance field type file (*.FT).
Refresh Refresh the list.