Search option: User-defined variables

To search for documents or batches that include user-defined variables created using the API, see the "UserDefinedVariable" object in the API help:

  1. When searching for invoices, click User-defined variables in the Invoices dialog to limit the list.
    Or, when searching for batches, click User-defined variables in the Batches dialog to limit the list.
  2. Select which user-defined variables the documents or batches have:
    Variables All user-defined variables that are defined. Select one at a time.
    Values Values that exist for the user-defined variable.
  3. Select a value and click the arrow -> to add the variable and value to the Selected box. Or, select All to get all items that include any value for the select variable.


    • Neither the names of user-defined variables nor their corresponding values are case sensitive.
    • These user-defined variables are not the same as those created using the Manager and used in Inbox folders in Verify and in job descriptions.