Configure the sender information columns that are visible in Verify

  1. Start verifying a document in the Verify module.
  2. Click in the Sender input box in the Verifying dialog.
  3. Click in the column header to the left of Sender number to display the Select columns dialog.

    Note that if this button is not available, the AllowVerifyOperatorToConfigureSupplierSelectionList flag has been turned off in the [Options] section of eiglobal.ini. See INI file help for more information.

  4. In the Searchable columns list, specify which columns are to be available in the sender search pane of the Verifying dialog.
  5. In the Viewable columns list, specify what information is available in the sender information pane of the Verifying dialog for the sender currently selected in the sender search pane.
  6. Click OK.