The Field type dialog

To access this dialog: Using Manager, right-click in the Field types dialog and select New or Open.

Use these settings to create or edit a field type:

Name The name of the field type.
Category Can be either:
  • BAT – Bank Account Table field
  • LIT – Line Item Table field
  • SI – Single Item field
  • Tax – Tax table field

Categories allow you to locate and sort field types more easily. Also, when you create a new field, only the field types for the respective category are available for selection.

Language The language of the description you enter. You should select the language of your Kofax ReadSoft Entrance installation. If your installation is spread over different countries with different languages, you can enter a description for each language. The description is then displayed in the language of the Kofax ReadSoft Entrance installation.
Description A short description of the field type.
Add description Adds the description you just entered.
OK Saves the new/edited field type.
Cancel Cancels any additions or changes to the Fields types dialog.