Run an Interpret job

You can run Interpret automatically as a Windows service, or you can use the graphical interface as described below.

To start the process, you must first open or create an Interpret job description, which specifies which documents are to be interpreted and where they are located. Then start the job by selecting Job > Start. Depending on the volume of documents involved, the Interpret job can execute very quickly.

When you start Interpret, an information box displays the current system status, date and time (with the date and time format in accordance with your Windows settings). When you start an Interpret job, the start date, start time and run (elapsed) time are also displayed in that box. The screen also shows a bar chart indicating how many documents of each type have been interpreted.

There are no operator dialogs in Interpret (that is, there is nothing for you to do once the job is started) unless you are interpreting from imported image files and have indicated that you want to see a source configuration dialog each time a job is started.

When Interpret has finished processing a document, it sets a status for the document and for each of its fields depending on the results of the interpretation and saves this status information in the database. For example, if all fields on a document are interpreted and validated without error, and there are no fields for which you have requested retyping, the status is set to Complete. The Complete status is only set for documents in which every field is learned and complete. More about document statuses.