Improve receiver identification

There are two ways you can improve receiver identification (and hence the interpretation of documents):

  • Add fields to identify receiver
  • Create receiver variations in the master data

Add fields to identify receiver

The default fields used to identify receiver are Name1, Name2, NameSupplement1, NameSupplement2, and VATRegistrationNumber. You can add other fields to this list using the BuyerExtraIdentifierFields setting in Eiglobal.ini (see INI file help for more information). You should only use this setting when you know that the field(s) you add uniquely identify a receiver.

Tip Be careful if you use fields that have numerical values. Even though they may identify receivers, these values may also be found in other fields in documents for other receivers. For example, the POBox value may be unique for each receiver, but these values may also be found in amount fields. A receiver may have the PO Box "20", but "20" may also appear as amounts or quantities on other documents. In this case, the value for POBox cannot be considered as being unique for documents for different receivers.
Note When Kofax ReadSoft Entrance finds more than one match based on any of the name fields above, it uses the PObox, Street, StreetSupplement, PostalCode, and City fields to determine the correct receiver. You can also use any of these fields in BuyerExtraIdentifierFields when they uniquely identify a receiver.

Create receiver variations in the master data

You can improve the identification of receivers by creating variations of the receiver entry in the master data. As the receiver name is not always printed and/or spelled the same on every document, entries in the master data to cover these variations helps Kofax ReadSoft Entrance to identify the receiver.

For example, consider a fictional German receiver, Häckel und Weiss GmbH. The entry in the master data may be "Häckel und Weiss GmbH". However, senders may write this name differently, such as "Häckel und Weiss", "Haeckel und Weiss GmbH", or use others. The name may also appear as an entity name used internally, such as "Company 1234". If you add these variations to the master data, the receiver is more easily identified when processing documents that contain these different names.