XML invoice standard – OIOXML

OIOXML is an older XML invoice standard that is used in Denmark. The newer OIOUBL XML standard should be used instead.

If you receive XML invoices from one or more companies from there, the invoices may come in this format.

This topic lists the Kofax ReadSoft Entrance field types that are normally mapped to elements in these documents and indicates where in the XML code the elements are normally found. The Kofax ReadSoft Entrance field types that are not normally mapped to XML elements are not listed here.

For more information on how the logic in Collector's intelligent XML functionality works with this standard, please see ReadSoft COLLECTOR Integration Specification.pdf. You can obtain this document from your Kofax representative.

Kofax ReadSoft Entrance field Location of element mapped in the XML code
BuyerAddressPostalCode /Invoice/BuyerParty/Address/PostalZone
BuyerContactPersonName /Invoice/BuyerParty/BuyerContact/Name
BuyerVATRegistrationNumber /Invoice/BuyersReferenceID
InvoiceBaselineDate /Invoice/IssueDate
InvoiceCredit /Invoice/TypeCode

Extracted value “PIP” or “PIE” is translated to 0 (Debit)

Extracted value “PCP” or “PCM” is translated into 1 (Credit)

InvoiceCurrency /invoice/main:InvoiceCurrencyCode
InvoiceDate /Invoice/IssueDate
InvoiceDueDate /Inv/Invoice/PaymentMeans/PaymentDueDateoice/PaymentMeans/DuePaymentDate
InvoiceNumber /Invoice/ID
InvoiceOrderNumber /Invoice/ReferenceOrder/BuyersOrderID

If the value of this element is “n/a”, translate as empty string.

InvoiceTotalVATAmount /Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxAmounts/TaxAmount

Only takes the value from the section in which /Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxTypeCode is equal to “VAT”.

InvoiceTotalVATExcludedAmount /Invoice/LegalTotal/LineExtensionTotalAmount

If the value of this element is 0, use this alternative location:


InvoiceTotalVATIncludedAmount /Invoice/LegalTotal/ToBePaidTotalAmount
InvoiceTotalVATRatePercent /Invoice/TaxTotal/CategoryTotal/RatePercentNumeric

Only takes the value from the section in which /Invoice/TaxTotal/CategoryTotal/rateCategoryCode

ID is equal to “VAT”.

Payment ReferenceNumber The value for this is derived from the combination of these values:





PaymentTerms /Invoice/PaymentTerms/ID
PaymentTermsInterest /Invoice/PaymentTerms/PenaltySurchargeRateNumeric
PaymentType /Invoice/PaymentMeans/PaymentChannelCode

If TypeCode==BANK

SupplierAccountNumber1 /Invoice/PaymentMeans/PayeeFinancialAccount/ID
SupplierAccountNumber2 /Invoice/PaymentMeans/JointPaymentID
SupplierAccountNumber4 /Invoice/PaymentMeans/PaymentID
SupplierAddressPostalCode /Invoice/SellerParty/Address/PostalZone
SupplierVATRegistrationNumber /Invoice/SellerParty/PartyTaxScheme/CompanyID

Takes the value from the section in which the value of

/Invoice/SellerParty/PartyTaxScheme/TaxScheme/ID is equal to 'VAT'.

Line Item Fields Location of element mapped in the XML code
LIT_ArticleIdentifier /Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ID
LIT_ArticleName /Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Description
LIT_DeliveredQuantity /Invoice/InvoiceLine/InvoicedQuantity
LIT_DeliveredQuantityUnitCode /Invoice/InvoiceLine/InvoicedQuantity/@unitCode
LIT_OrderNumber /Invoice/InvoiceLine/ReferenceOrderLine/BuyersID
LIT_RowIdentifier /Invoice/InvoiceLine/ID
LIT_UnitPriceAmount /Invoice/InvoiceLine/BasePrice/PriceAmount
LIT_VatExcludedAmount /Invoice/InvoiceLine/LineExtensionAmount
LIT_VatRate /Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Tax/RatePercentNumeric
Attachment fields Location of element mapped in the XML code
EmbeddedValue /Invoice/EncodedDocument
AdditionalInfo /Invoice/EncodedDocument/@agencyID