Connect individual fields to a specific database table

You can connect a field to a specific database table that contains a static list in connection with an ODBC source. Note that the ODBC source and connection need to be set up properly before you can use the procedure below.

Do the following to connect a field to a specific database table:

  1. Edit the field profile for the field you want to connect.
  2. Click Table validation in the navigation pane of the dialog, and specify ODBC connection as the Table type.
  3. Type the name of the source in the Data source box, and click Connect.
  4. The Table name settings are populated with the tables and associated columns that are mapped to the specified data source. Select the name of the desired table in the first dropdown list and the desired column in the second one.
  5. Click OK to save the settings.

How values are validated against the table

Interpreted field values are first validated against the static values found in the database table specified in the above procedure both when they are interpreted and verified. If a match is not found, any special characters in both the interpreted value and the static value in the database are removed, and the values are compared again to see if they match. These special characters are removed:


' ' , '#' , '!' , '@' , '$' , '%' , '^'

, '&' , '(' , ')' , '_' , '-' , '/'

, '|' , '\\' , ']' , '[' , '*' , '=' , '-' , '+'

, '"' , '\'' , ',' , '>' , '<' , '?' , '`' , '~'

, ‘½’, '§’, '€’, '£’, ‘’, ‘’, '.’}

Process log entry

After documents are interpreted, the process log indicates how the fields were matched with the table values in the following way:

  • "Connection table validation for <field name>, comparing interpreted field value xxxxx with database value yyyyy" - where xxxxx is the interpreted value and yyyyy is the value found in the specified table.

ODBC connection specifications

After documents are interpreted, the process log indicates how the fields were matched with the table values in the following way:

  • The ODBC data source can be from Microsoft SQL or Oracle.
  • The specified table name must exist in the database.
  • The table can only contain one column (with any name)
  • The maximum length for data items in the column is 127 characters.
  • The user name and password used for the ODBC-connected data source are taken from eilocal.ini.