Receiver identification information in the process log: Overview

Knowing what was used to identify the receiver for a document can provide information on why the correct receiver was not set. This information can be included in the process log and used to improve receiver data or improve how the receiver is configured in the system.

What is noted in the process log depends on how many receivers are in the system and how receiver identification has been configured:

  • No receiver match found - The receiver could not be identified using the settings in eiglobal.ini, the receivers list, or any other plugin.

  • Only one receiver in system: Buyer ID and Buyer Name - Since the indicated receiver was the only one in the job description, it was set as the receiver for the document.

  • Found match on "Field" for Buyer ID and Buyer Name in the receivers list - Multiple receivers were specified in the job description and the receiver was identified using "Field".
  • Receiver identified as Buyer Name, Buyer ID using a document rule - A document rule was used to identify the receiver.