Adjust the identification settings of a document definition

Identification settings that are defined in an document profile, using Manager, can be customized for each document definition in Optimize.

Optimizing the identification settings for document definitions can lead to increased interpretation rates in some instances. For example, assume you created a document profile that contains three identifiers. If you know of a document definition that can be identified using only one identifier, deleting the unnecessary identifiers from the document definition identification settings can increase the interpretation rate of that document.

Note When Optimizing document definition identification settings, it is important to consider the benefits of increased interpretation rates versus interpretation performance. Using two or even three identifiers per document may cost more in interpretation time, but it also increases identification accuracy. Conversely, minimizing the number of identifiers can increase interpretation rates, but it can also decrease interpretation accuracy.

To change document definition identification settings in Optimize

  1. Double-click the document profile containing the document definition you want to edit. The Document definitions dialog is displayed.
  2. Double-click the document definition you want to modify.
  3. After the document definition is open, click Settings in the Learning dialog. The Document definition dialog is displayed.
  4. Select Identification, and adjust the settings as described here, according to the same guidelines used for the document profile identification settings.
  5. Click OK.