The Select fields dialog

To access this dialog:

  1. Using Manager, right-click a document profile and select Copy or Upgrade.
  2. Adjust the dialog that is displayed.
  3. Click Create/Upgrade.

  4. Use these settings when copying or upgrading document profiles:
    Document profile Specifies the existing document profile, the new document profile, or both.
    Field type Specifies the field type the field is to be associated with.
    Name The name of the field.
    Copy Determines whether the field is copied to the new document profile.
    Titles Displays the Edit field titles dialog.

    Note that this option is not available when upgrading a document profile.

    Note If you deselect the currency or invoicecredit fields in this dialog, they will not appear in the document profile, but they still appear in Verify. This is because currency and credit/debit are settings as well as fields. These settings have the appearance of fields in Verify for ease of use and because they are often connected to fields as well.