View logged manual changes to document definitions in Optimize

Changes that are made manually to single-item fields and identifiers in document definitions in Optimize are logged and can be viewed.

Manual changes to these items are logged specifically:

  • Single-item field status
  • Field activation status (when a field is activated/deactivated, for example)
  • The value position of identifiers
  • Expected string format ("Format changed from X(3-16) to X(3-13)", for example)
  • Lead text
Note sendersender name, description, or number, as well as changes made to line items are not logged.

To view logged changes for a document definition in Optimize:

  1. Open the Optimize module and double-click an document profile to display the document definitions that are connected to it.
    • Tip! - If you want to see all document definitions that are currently in the system, simply remove the text found in the text box above the Document profile column.
  2. In the list that is displayed, right-click the document definition that you want to view logged changes for, and select Open.
  3. Click Document definition > Logged changes.
  4. A dialog is displayed with each change listed including these entries:

    A timestamp (indicating when the change was done) and User (the name of the user that made the changes)

    • Field type - the name of the field that was changed
    • Description - the nature of the change (such as, Field activated/deactivated and Value position changed)
      Note The dialog is empty if no appropriate manual changes have been made to the selected document definition.
  5. Click Close to close the dialog.