The Batches dialog

To access this dialog: Using Manager, right-click a document profile, and then click Batches.

Use this dialog to list and search for batches. Here are some examples.

Note The name of this dialog is hidden if the dialog is docked (as it is by default).
Search options (can be combined with each other)
Status Lists batches with certain statuses.
Date Lists batches scanned on certain dates.
Queues Lists batches in certain queues.
User-defined variables

Lists batches with certain user-defined variables. Note: This refers to variables created using the Application Program Interface, not variables defined in the batch report layout or those created using the Manager.

Batch list
ID An ID assigned by Kofax ReadSoft Entrance.
Document profile The profile that the batch is associated with.
Batch number The batch number set by the user or by Kofax ReadSoft Entrance.
Prefix  The batch prefix set by the user or by Kofax ReadSoft Entrance.
Status The batch status— the lowest document status of all documents in the batch.
Scanned The date and time the batch was scanned.
  • Select one or more search options to use them to limit the list. Search options that are not selected do not limit the list (all values are allowed in the list).
  • To list all batches, deselect all search options in the Search options box.
  • To sort the list according to the contents of a column, click the column header.
  • To delete a batch, right-click it and select Delete.
  • To list the invoices in a batch, right-click it and select Open.