The Senders dialog in connection with master data

To access this dialog:

  • Using Manager: Select Administration > List suppliers.
  • Using Verify or Optimize: Click Sender number in the Verifying dialog.

This dialog displays master data from the sender registry. Use this dialog to:

  • Search for senders in Kofax ReadSoft Entrance' database.
  • Select a sender.
Note When you view this dialog in Verify, only senders that have the same corporate group ID as the selected receiver are displayed.
Note The name of this dialog is hidden if the dialog is docked (as it is by default).
Sender Displays the sender. (See How the sender, sender number, and description values are used.)
Description Displays the description.
Status Displays the document definition status.
Identification - see instructions
(Selection box) Specifies an identifier to use when identifying the document.
AND / OR Specifies a logical relationship between the selection boxes. This setting is only used if the document definition uses more than one identifier. (More info.)
Use currency Determines whether currency settings are used.
Default currency Determines which currency is assumed when interpreting amount fields. This setting also sets the default currency to use if Kofax ReadSoft Entrance cannot identify the document currency or find a value for the Currency field.

If the currency you want to use does not appear in the Default currency box, you can specify additional currencies.

Note You cannot adjust the currency unless Use currency is already selected in the document profile.
Automatically approve documents with Complete status When this setting is selected, documents that are Complete in Interpret are automatically approved and sent to Transfer. Use this setting only if the document definition has a long history of correct interpretation.
Note A receiver must be defined and the supplier must also be identified in order for the document to be approved automatically.

Filter the list

Use the boxes above the table to filter the results that are displayed:

  • Enter text to find all entries that start with it.
    • Example: Entering Read in the Name1 column.

    • Results: Reading, ReadSoft, etc.

  • Enclose text in * or % to find all entries that contain it.
    • Example: Entering *Read* or %Read% in the Name1 column.

    • Results: Reading, ReadSoft, Bread, etc.

  • Enclose text in " to find exact matches only.
    • Example: Entering "Read" in the Name1 column.

    • Result: Read only.

You can filter more than one column at a time.


Right-clicking the table gives you several options:

Open Opens the View sender dialog, where you can see information from the sender registry about the selected sender, including bank information, if any.
Search bank item Opens the Search sender bank item dialog, which displays information about senders that have bank information associated with them. There you can double-click an item of interest to open the View sender dialog.
List documents Displays the selected sender's documents in the Documents dialog.

Not available if you access this dialog while verifying or optimizing documents.

List document definitions Displays the selected sender's document definitions in the Document definitions dialog.

Not available if you access this dialog while verifying or optimizing documents.

Refresh Updates the table. (Trouble?)
Tip See "GUI settings for the Suppliers dialog in Eiglobal.ini" topic in INI file help for information on how to specify the appearance of this dialog.