Define a customized validation form for a folder

To create a customized validation form layout for a folder, define it for a selected folder level, then modify it as needed. For folder levels you cannot define a separate folder pane for multiple validation steps. The folder pane looks the same for all validation steps.

You can define a specific validation step when the folder pane is first displayed. This is especially important if the content of the folder field is dependent on document fields. You have to make sure that the folder fields are not displayed before the corresponding document fields are displayed.

Note Use the Project Settings - Validation tab to what validation step first displays the folder pane and the folder fields.

Important If you plan to use Thin Client Validation, the folder fields are displayed in a separate tab rather than a pane.

You can define a custom validation form for a folder by following these steps:

  1. Open the Project Tree window if it is not already open.
  2. Expand the Project Tree and select the folder where you want to configure the validation form.
  3. On the Design tab, in the Validation Forms group, click Customize Folder Validation Form Validation Forms - Design Folder Layout icon.

    The Validation Form Layout window displays the form in a standard layout when you first define the form, or in your customized form.

  4. Customize the default validation form layout by adding, moving, or removing elements on the form.
  5. Optionally, define script events. For example, if you add a button to the form, define the click events for the button.
    1. On the Tools menu select Script Wizard to open the wizard.
    2. Select the validation event in the list.
    3. Select the fields or controls that require script code. Appropriate code is generated based on your selections.
    4. Click Select and Copy.
    5. Click Show Script to open the Script Code window.
    6. Select Edit, and select Paste from the shortcut menu to insert the sample code. Edit the code as needed.

      To compare the DoubleValue property of two fields, you cannot use the = sign. Instead, use the following:

      abs (field1.doublevalue – field2.doublevalue) < 0.02

    7. Close the Script Code window.
    8. In the Script Wizard, click Close to save the script and to return to the validation form.
  6. Define the folder General Properties.
  7. Select Close from the Window menu to save the settings.