Add a Locator Alternative Lookup button to a validation form

The Locator Alternatives Lookup enables validation users to select a record that was rejected by a locator and place it into validation fields. This ensures that the correct record can be selected, even if it has a lower confidence than the record selected by the locator. You can add a locator alternative lookup button to your validation form by following these steps:

  1. Open the Project Tree window if it is not already open.
  2. In the Project Tree, select the class that requires a lookup button on its validation form.
  3. Right-click on the class and select Customize Validation Form from the shortcut menu.

    If there are multiple steps of validation, you are prompted to select an individual step.

    The Validation Form Layout window is displayed.

  4. On the Validation Form Layout window toolbar, click Add Database Lookup Button Database Lookup Button icon.

    The database lookup details are displayed in the properties pane to the right of the image.

  5. Optionally, increase the width of the properties pane. Hover over the space between the properties pane and the document pane until the mouse changes, and then drag the mouse to the left as far as required.
    Note Any changes you make here to the window layout are saved. The next time you open the validation form, the same layout is displayed.

    The properties pane is larger so that you can see all of the options available.

  6. Expand the Database Lookup property.

    The Data Source Type and several other options become visible.

  7. In the Data Source Type list, select Locator Alternative.

    The Data Source list is displayed with the locators configured for the project.

  8. In the Data Source list, select the desired locator.
  9. Click the Kofax.Validation.Design.Mapping Field Mappings button.

    The Field Mapping window is displayed.

  10. For each Destination Field on the validation form, select a Data Source Field.

    The Data Source Field is populated for each field.

  11. Click OK.

    The Field Mapping window is closed and your mappings are saved.

  12. Type a Dialog Caption title.

    This text is displayed as the title of the lookup results window in Validation. For example, Search Results.

  13. Optionally, type a List Caption label.

    This text is displayed inside the lookup results window above the list of results. For example, Select one of the following records.

  14. Optionally, change the shortcut key by selecting an option in the Shortcut list.
  15. Edit the button text in the Text field to change the button label.

    This text appears on the validation form button. For example, Search.

  16. When you are finished, on the Windows menu, click Close.

    The Validation Form Layout window is closed and your changes are saved.