Amount Group Locator

Amount Group Locator icon The Amount Group Locatorworks in partnership with the Invoice Group Locator and the Order Group Locator. The Amount Group Locator contains all of the fields that are related to, or make up, the total amount of an invoice. Not all of these fields need to be present on the document. Instead the system internally determines what fields are present, and all validations are based on the fields that are actually used.

When you run this extraction, the locator looks at a document for various amount fields and adds them to ensure that they match the formula: NetAmount + TaxAmount = Total. The extracted fields must match the amount of the total that is found on the document.

This locator includes the following predefined subfields:


Shows the sum of all line items on the document. This is necessary when calculated items like taxes, postage, packaging, and credit are present. In the absence of these items, SubTotal = Total.


Contains the amount if no tax rate is available and applied.


Forms a group composed of these three fields. The corresponding fields are filled with the first net amount of the first applied tax rate.


Forms a group composed of these three fields. The corresponding fields are filled with the second net amount of the second applied tax rate.


Forms a group composed of these three fields. The corresponding fields are filled with the third net amount of the third applied tax rate.


Forms a group composed of these three fields. The corresponding fields are filled with the fourth net amount of the fourth applied tax rate.


Shows the amount of postage charged for the order.


Shows the amount of packaging charged for the order.


Shows the amount of discount applied to the order.


Shows the sum of all net amounts plus taxes.

Invoice Type

Specifies the document type that can be an invoice, a credit note, or an unknown type.

Important To identify the document type you can define keywords that can be located in different positions on your document. Therefore this field is not trainable even though it is listed in the Edit Document window when the subfield is assigned to a document field.


Specifies the currency used on the document.

Important This field is not trainable even though it is listed in the Edit Document window when the subfield is assigned to a document field. To make this field trainable, use a Trainable Group Locator.

Manage an Amount Group Locator as follows:

The Properties of Amount Group Locator window has the following tabs: