Access rights for a Microsoft SQL Server database

Several permissions in the Microsoft SQL Server database are required by Kofax Transformation Modules to perform relational searches. These permissions are necessary in order to access tables and views.

The login object must have the following permissions, at a minimum


The login object must not have the following permission denied

Database level permissions
  • The database user must be a member of the public role group, which is the default group when a user is created.

  • The database role or the database user if you are not using roles, must have the following permissions.

    • CONNECT must be granted to the database user so that the mapped log on user can access the database.

    • VIEW DEFINITION must be granted to populate the corresponding combo box with the available tables and views. Alternatively, you can set the VIEW ANY DEFINITION permission at the server level for a log on.

    • SELECT must be granted at the database level or for each table or view objects.

  • In order to list the databases, tables, and views that are available on the server, as well as getting the object column name and types, the following system metadata permissions are required.

    • SELECT for the following system views:

      • sys.databases

      • sys.tables

      • sys.types

      • sys.assemblies

      • sys.objects

      • sys.assembly_types

      • sys.synonyms

    • EXECUTE for the following stored procedure.

      • sys.sp_columns_managed

      Note These are the default permissions set on the public role.